Porn VS Hentai

Over the last few years now, a particular debate has been gathering momentum.

Porn  Vs  Hentai   

But because that makes no sense, let’s think of it as Live-action vs Animated


I want to start off by clarifying something we firmly believe: Shaming is for the weak. There is no competition, and no right or wrong here, just human nature meeting human endeavour. Despite all their differences in appearance and creation, they are both in the business of scratching an itch. They coexist and mimic each other, but that hasn’t stopped fans, creators, experts, and complete nutjobs from weighing in on the subject. 


So, are they really that different? Is either “better”?   


Let’s start with where they’re very much the same. Adult oriented content that’s made to trigger arousal, escape, and release. Purely and simply they’re merely scenes, stories, and symbols that touch a basic instinct, and stroke our brains as we take care of the rest. From arousal to ejaculation for the billions of folks who want something a little different each time. So what’s the problem?



“Porn should be people, how can you get turned on by cartoons?”


Lets first get this silly question out of the way. 


I for one cannot calculate the difference between a cartoon arousing me, and some ketchup scaring me. I have been terrified for years from all the good horror films I’ve seen. I know Michael Myers didn’t actually stab anyone, but I’m still nervous when I see that mask. I know that no famous actors have ever been to space and yet I rewatch them there every week. We have learned to suspend disbelief, so yeah, if I can be scared of a clown, or empowered by a lightsaber, I can certainly get hard watching pixels arranged in certain ways. Traditional porn has to show something practical, to convey the feeling I want to feel. Animation is not as confined, and can better address those feelings directly. 



“If you watch too much, you won’t able to enjoy real sex”


The women are flawless, the dimensions are impossible and the characters are completely fake… (you don’t know which medium I’m talking about now do you?). This one can easily be applied to the overwhelmingly plastic porn industry, as well as fashion magazines in general. Yet it’s also understandable why hentai, with literal monster penises, flawless features and curves that would make Demi Rose jealous, gets a harsh rap for this. 


In reality though, this hasn’t been proven anywhere, with the vast majority of fans enjoying porn in the absense of sex (they would rather actually be having). 

Does watching rom-coms make me a better date? Are we all miserable because we don’t have superpowers?… need I answer? So, does enjoying films about fictional demons doing physically impossible acts to women that could only exist in digital form mean I won’t be able to enjoy real sex? The answer is, it certainly hasn’t yet! Not for me nor the vast majority of users who would really like to go on record exposing this fallacy.


“Hentai is so violent, and what about all that ***** stuff?”


There is a very simple solution to this issue. Don’t watch what you don’t want to watch. There is no denying the existence of a laundry list of taboos that don’t fall under the sex-for-fun category. Whether you consider it as a depravity or mere reflection of society’s secrets, such content exists in all mediums. Simply avoiding what you don’t like is the surest way to enjoy what you do, and there is no shortage of offerings no matter what you’re into. There is however one clear distinction that concerns us here. In animated porn, it is literally all make believe, a luxury that is not afforded to mainstream porn. That’s not to say that hentai is produced by bots, but there’s an undeniable artistic license afforded to material that no one will actually have to perform.  



“Hentai is all weird shit”


The biggest difference between the two by far is imagination. Apart from the laws of physics, and the laws of countries, and, well, the laws of the human body, live-action porn is limited by what it can visually deliver.  


The limitless freedom of sexual expression in Hentai gives creators a clear advantage over conventional pornography. Sex in zero gravity? Not a problem… How about with a centaur? No need to genetically create one- just draw it. Curious as to what it would look like if …… (fill in the blank with literally any fantastical situation you can imagine, and it’s available to watch)… Only Hentai can provide a totally free scope to bring sexual fantasies to life. There is no limit to the human imagination. Why should there be limits to its manifestation? 


Hentai can answer questions that truly have no place in the physical world. I for one, enjoy the concept of pleasing 8 women at once. Reverse gangbangs can put forward some interesting positions but in watching, it’s easy to become concerned with the physical logistics of what’s going on, which disconnects us from the concept we were searching for. Meanwhile, through animation, an artist can share their own similar concepts, using lines and colours to show me not what it would look like, but what it would feel like. 


No matter what the subject matter or theme, live action porn will never be able to compete with the unbridled freedom of hentai. Some insanely “perverse” ideas can be brought to life only through hentai. But the predominant source for all that inspiration is novel and simple fun. Something which has a long history in live-action porn as well (and there have been some hilarious live-action porn parodies, may the titles be forever blessed). Does that mean that hentai has much weirder content to offer?- Yes! 


Internet 101. Search for what you want to find. Weed through all the shit you don’t want, follow where it leads you, and enjoy the world you want to see, not only the one you live in.


are you over 18?