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Patch Notes Week #11
Places of Power
Queen Nagi joins Places of Power.
Queen Nagi
The Mythic Night-Club recruits’ list is updated.
Seasonal Event Market Update
After your feedback, wе will switch the current 5-star revivals (Mirthful Mothra, Jade, Elegant Mist Horn, Valentine Galactic Girl) with Mummy Crawler, Darkling Vamp, Blossom of the Green, and White Bunny.
Improvements (visuals from
- The recruits’ Win Screen is improved
- Hero level up – visual improvement
- The gold pricing of Affection scenes is now reduced to the correct amount
Patch Notes Week #10
World 12 – Cockraiser
World Quest 12 “Suckubus Club Showdown”:
“Like my standards, I use only the best tools for destroying holes — or faces, in this case.”
Check out the latest adventure!
- Hovering over different affection/exp mythic items in bundles now shows the correct value of the item.
Patch Notes Week #9
No update this week.
Patch Notes Week #8
World 12 – Cockraiser
World Quest 11 “Streets of Lust”:
“Hang on, ladies! We’re getting the fuck outta here!”
Check out the latest adventure!
Epic Night-Club
The recruits from the Referral system will be added to the Night-Club.
Fiery Lupa Blazing Lupa
- Fixed behavior of the Period deal tab in Shop
- Background preview in the hero page is fixed
- An issue with LSE objectives notification after completion is fixed
Patch Notes Week #7
- The “Claim” text for the paid rewards is now displayed properly in the Path of Attraction event
- The visual issue in the Adventure onboarding is fixed
- Recruit search is now working on the Hero page
- The visual issue with the Places of Power back button is fixed
- An issue with Crypto Payments/Coingate is fixed
- The Path of Attraction requirement is showing the correct text
Patch Notes Week #6
World 12 – Cockraiser
World Quest 10 “Wild Kinks & Psychic Links”:
“Sorry! SuperHero reflexes! I instinctively avoid magic stuff – unless they’re hot!”
Check out the latest adventure!
- A small issue on the club button has been fixed (When right click on the button context menu was displayed)
- A small issue in Night-Club is fixed now
Patch Notes Week #5
Dominate the Labyrinth and get Pastel Mink.
Pastel Mink
- Tutorial popup is no longer above email confirmation
- A visual issue on the max level button is fixed
- A small visual issue impacting the age verification popup on iPad is fixed
Patch Notes Week #4
World 12 – Cockraiser
World Quest 9 “The Tower of Boobel”:
“I think they missed a great marketing opportunity by not calling this place “Stairway to Heaven”.”
Check out the latest adventure!
Patch Notes Week #3
- A small visual issue on the max grade up pop up is fixed
- A small issue involving the champion’s timer is fixed
- An issue preventing the “Mega Pass in the shop” button from opening is fixed
- Text containers are no longer getting outside of the “side quest” button in the Labyrinth
- An issue affecting the email confirmation reward pop-up is fixed
- Text container “Logout” is no longer getting outside of the burger menu (the bug existed only when Spanish or Italian language was set)
- The hard currency (kobans/gold) payment confirmation green button no longer opens the recruit’s leveler panel when you do not have enough
- The name or ID search field no longer returns results from the very first search performed
Patch Notes Week #2
World 12 – Cockraiser
World Quest 8 “Phantom of the Orgasm”:
“Mmhmmm… Everything’s so sensitive…”
Check out the latest adventure!
Patch Notes Week #1