Brace yourselves: the time has come to reveal the SUPER secret things the Kinkoid team has been working on for the past few months! Today we will let you take a peek at the new improved game we like to call SUPER Hentai Clicker!
Update: The SUPER Hentai Clicker is now available for testing. All you have to do is join the discord channel. You will find all the necessary credentials and the link to the test server there. Please share your feedback with us on discord. We can’t wait to see what you think about this totally new Hentai Clicker!
So, without further ado, let us answer the question what we changed to make this game SUPER! What’s new? Well, we are glad you asked…
You wanted more girls, more arousing adventures, and more things to do: check, check, and check! You wanted to go deeper in the Mist ridden Haremverse: check! Welcome to the Story Mode feature of Hentai Clicker!

Story Mode is a story-driven adventure containing girls from your Harem. By progressing with your performance in the Office, you will be invited to unlock the secrets of the Haremverse and the lusty girls who live there. Join them on a horny quest and discover their deepest desires.
Like every good story, the adventure is separated into different Chapters, each one being more steamy and raunchy than the one before it. Needless to say, as the story progresses, the chapters will get harder. And so will you.

With so many hot girls in your Harem, it can get difficult to find the one you want at the moment. To make it easier for you to just slip in… the adventure, we’ve created a new way to orgy–anize your lovers. Now you will be able to select up to 5 girls to join your Dream Team. You can select your team after each reset or switching of Chapters. Don’t choose them only by how much you are attracted to them. Think wisely, because your choice will determine how far and how fast you will progress. Of course, none of them will be jealous if you don’t choose her.
The horny girls who need your attention and magical fingers constantly are also improved.

This is like Reset on steroids! Transcendence is a different type of reset where you are also losing your progress and Crafts. But it will be worth it: as a reward, you will get Skill Points which are distributed in the Skill Tree. The Skill Tree and Skill points are going to boost your performance and enhance your experience (for real, not like in those advertisements). There are some amazing new skills and bonuses, and they are permanent!

Yes, healers, we are still working hard to give you the game you want to play. A few players are testing the SUPER Hentai Clicker and soon the Test Server will be available for everyone to experience the new and improved Clicker.
Right now our team is making sure we will release a flawless Office where you can cure the gorgeous girls from the Mist with your magic fingers. But additionally, we are still working on new bonuses, an improved tutorial, and a magical channel for you to chat with the girls (and they are all so wet with anticipation to be able to talk to you too).
Thank you for your support, constant feedback, and love! We will need more time to finish what we’ve started and we hope you will be patient with us. We want to make this the hottest and most exciting clicker game you’ve played. We want to make it SUPER because you deserve nothing less than that.