
2022: A Year of Growth
Dear Heroes, Superheroes, Stallions, and Kinksters of all shapes and sizes, The end of 2022 is fast approaching, and we here at Kinkoid love to look back and reflect,

Q&A: The November Sessions
Dear players, In this article you can find transcripts of all our Q&A sessions that have taken place in November: Session 1: Hentai Heroes Q&A with Tech –

Mythic Equipment
You’re well endowed, but are you well equipped? 👄 Want to reach the top of the leaderboards in Leagues, Seasons, and the Pantheon? 🏆 💦 Want even the

Pornstar Harem – Stars in Adventure Quests
Stallions, Due to popular demand, we will be listing the names of all stars who appear in Adventure, Labyrinth, and Side Quests, so you can appreciate them and give them your

Kinkoid 6th Anniversary
Read the PS. at the end of the article for a very special & fun game/surprise! Dearest #Kinksters, Our age is merely the number of years the world